Kaolin Technologies
Our services

Our services

Software development

Our focus is on clean, qualitative backend development using modern technologies such as Python and PHP. Our business process is end-to-end, from project conception, technical analysis and planning, architecture and database design, implementation, quality assurance to deployment and maintenance. We work on both server-side rendered applications, and REST APIs for single page applications.

We use Agile or Agile-like approaches with our customers, according to their needs. Kaolin employees provide constant updates and deliverables at every stage of a project. Our technology stack is flexible and takes into account any business requirements from our customers.

Technology stack

Project management tools:

  • Kanban boards: GitHub ProjectsJIRATrelloMonday etc.
  • Mock-ups: BalsamiqAdobe XDFigma
  • UML and other schema design tools
  • Harvest time-tracking, Slack communication, git source code control etc.

Programming languages and frameworks:

  • Python (Django and Flask)
  • PHP (Laravel and Symfony)

Database backends: PostgreSQLMySQLCockroach DB; object-relational mappers, fixture and migration tools per framework used, database management systems (pgAdminMySQL Workbench)

Data processing & visualisation: pandasnumpyscipynltkmatplotlibpChartPillow, tcpdf

Quality Control:

  • linters (isortpyflakephpcs)
  • automatic code review (Scrutinizer)
  • pdb debugging
  • testing tools (phpUnitDjango testsCodeception)
  • Continuous integration (JenkinsSolanoCIGitHub flowsCodeshipTravisCircleCI etc.)

DevOps: composerpipdotenvdockercapistranosshvim, virtual environments 

REST libraries: Django REST Framework, API documentation generation

Asynchronous jobs & caching: CeleryRabbitMQRedis

External API integration: examples include FirebaseTwilio, Google Suite products (MapsCalendar), Outlook CalendarSAPMailChimp etc.

Technical content writing

Our background in engineering enables us to offer our customers research-oriented and customer-oriented articles, briefs, tutorials, copywriting etc. Feel free to contact us for samples, if interested. Our stack includes:

On the technical side:  LaTeXBibTeX

On the commercial side: WordPressElementorYoast SEOKinsta WordPress caching, image compression and optimisations

Our background in engineering enables us to offer our customers research-oriented and customer-oriented articles, briefs, tutorials, copywriting etc. Feel free to contact us for samples, if interested. Our stack includes:

On the technical side:  LaTeXBibTeX

On the commercial side: WordPressElementorYoast SEOKinsta WordPress caching, image compression and optimisations


Kaolin Technologies is a young and fresh company, but we have a long experience in software development. If you are unsure which technologies are better suited for your project, we can advise. We have an extensive network and we can connect you to frontend developers, UI/UX and branding specialists. We perform audits on legacy projects, MVPs and live web projects, recommending possible actions, refactoring strategies or SWOT analysis.